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Solid little game- finished it in a few hours, but nothing about it felt super tedious or anything.

Really great game!


I absolutely love it! Would be great for android, since it’s tamagotchi styled <3


Very very good work. 


Finally some quality.


Hi, happy to see that the bug I reported has been fixed. I wanted to suggest a way to see the milk and egg animations because if you level up too much you can no longer lose.

I reccomend just sending her in multiple times without healing


I'm afraid that's not possible anymore. Even whitout charms I kill any enemy in 1 hit, and they are just unable to hit me, so I don't take damage. Maybe a limit to the levels would fix this as I'm over lvl 200 on all 3 stats.


200 dex go brrrr

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Good game, but I was wondering if there's going to be updates like adding more monsters into the game


1st off great game, great animations, you continue to impress.

An early issue I discovered is the midas touch item. It appears to not scale with dexterity and seems not to be impacted by the lucky charm.

(1 edit)

What do you mean by midas not scaling with dexterity?


I have been building a primarily dexterity based character, I have tried the midas touch charm multiple times with and without the lucky charm however it appears to only proc on average every 10 hits around 100 dex, and seemingly less on 200 dex. In theory it could be an issue of the value being 5% instead of the listed 50% chance. My other theory was that it was not taking into account the players increased attack speed. Just a theory though. o7

Ahh i get it now, you're right i made a mistake. good catch, I'll update it asap.


Happy to help! I also rolled a blue on the wheel on an item attatched to me during the spin the wheel minigame, and it did not appear to upgrade the item. 

I just tested it, the upgrade mechanic from the wheel does work though, what charm did you have equipped. or was it maxed out already?

Hi, on lvl 4 the troll boss sprite from lvl 1 appears with the plant attack pattern (slow attack but lots of dmg) but the s*x animation shows the correct sprite

Do you mean that the troll boss's sprite changes when he attacks

No, there is a troll boss that attacks like the one from lvl 1 but is stronger. that one is fine. The issue is that another troll has the attack from the plant and by this I mean that it attacks very slow but deals a lot of dammage. Attack animations are the troll ones, but if you loose the s*x animation that plays is the plant one. I assume the plant boss on lvl 4 uses the troll sprite and attack animations, but has the correct attack pattern and s*x animation

I am still a bit confused, never mind. I did put out an update fixing the enemies showing the wrong lose scene,  try updating to the latest version.

(1 edit)

Just checked and is still there. I'll try to explain it as clear as possible: let's say that an enemy has 1) sprite; 2) attack animation; 3) attack pattern (speed and damage the enemy does); and 4) s*x animation.

On lvl 4 all anemies from all previous levels appear, even bosses. It's here where the problem is. The level 3 boss (the plant looking one) uses the sprite and attack animation from the level 1 boss (the troll with a stick) but the attack pattern and s*x animation are from the level 3 boss.

Note: now I'm too strong to lose so I can't check the s*x animation that plays there, so maybe now it uses the one from the troll as well.

Ohh, ok i get it now. You're a genius for spotting that, i'll fix it asap. Thanks!


You can see it this way as well:

- If you play lvl 4 you won't find the lvl 3 boss ever.

- You will find 2 lvl 1 bosses, one that behaves like the lvl 1 boss and another that behaves like the lvl 3 boss


Great little game!
I only wish I could pat Oni's head for doing such a great job.


Very nice! Reminds me of Rocky in an odd way, hahaha.

When i get defeated by the 3+4 stage boss only the slime animation plays. Otherwise nice little game so far.

I have released a small update fixing that issue, appreciate it!


Oops, didnt see that Thank you

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