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Would an android version be possible?

probably not sorry


shit game kys now nigga

(1 edit) (-3)

Technically its a good game, i guess your taste on entertainment were that bad and you started to look down on it with just a simple sentence and without a proper explanation.


I just played the demo and I have a few questions. How many "levels" does this game have? Is it only one per heroine? (It looks like there are only five heroines). Are the viewpoints always orthanographic in the sex scenes like in the demo? I'd prefer 3/4 view so I can see more of the action. What kind of game mechanics are introduced in the full version that don't appear in the demo?

(2 edits) (+4)

When are you came out with the next game? I need More of this kind of art.

Excelent title btw.


Love this game! Seems like people were having trouble with the priestess which I thought was the easiest one :P Got it in 9 tries >:3



It's the only one I thought was "slow and methodical". The idea here is that she runs away from the closest goo, and also the most recently spawned goo. I refer to the types as "chaser goo" and "blob goo". She fears chaser goos more than blob goos.

You want to place 1 blob goo directly in a corner when she's slightly closer to it but still a tiny area to spawn a goo. Then IMMEDIATELY spawn 1 chaser goo on the opposite side of her in order to chase her into it. Set a chaser goo down right before your current chaser goo is about to die, try to get the timing down right so there's always only 1 chaser goo chasing her. When all your goos despawn, she will move towards the center again, and you repeat as soon as there's room to spawn another blob in the corner she just came from. Generally speaking, that's the whole strategy. The first 1-2 tries you won't do any damage as your goos won't live long enough. Don't worry about the fast HP regen that she has, that will eventually get outpaced by the high damage and heal debuff of your blobs.

Remember you get XP per damage tick so the idea for the first 5-7 tries is to just ensure you get to a point where you can actually get her to step on the blob and tick for damage. First you want to increase the life span of your blob goos so they live long enough to get stepped on. Then just focus on getting huge damage, and life span of your chasers so that you only have to set 2 chasers per blob. From there it's just farming up. Since blobs do so much damage you will get a lot of XP if you do it this way, just make sure not to waste monster spawns.

Don't bother with upgrading the chaser goo movespeed or the blob goo speed debuff. Unless you really have nothing else to spend for.


Thx king/queen, really helped, got the star and saw the final boss lol


fun and easy little game. pixel art was top notch.


Just finished the game, is there a secret like in dark red adventure

getting all 5 stars unlocks the 6th boss.


Is there a patreon and subscribe star i can go to? Or atleast a twitter and pixiv?

Love your art.


sorry i don't. and thank you!


fun and simple, requires a few tries to understand what any of your troops do tho.

is there anyway to beat the priest within 22 tries, i always beat her at 30-35 tries and can't get the final star


Basic strategy: Use one or only few number 1 slimes to chase the priestess towards a bigger mess of number 2 slimes. Keep it going continuously and try to predict where she will go next when spawning 1 slimes. Usually she will go into the opposite direction. But it can happen that she will change direction if you put too many number 2 slimes on one side and too few number 1 slimes on the other. 

She can also get stuck in a corner. If that happens just let everything die and start over.

I don't remember these so well, but probably focus on upgrading mostly slime 2 first. Also upgrade unit amount after the first round to get more exp. Upgrade number 3 capture slimes late, only when you start getting her to low hp.

(1 edit) (-1)

My brother, is there a chance to remove the shoes from the heroes and the DM or all of their clothes, I'm willing to do quite the donation for it :D

no sorry

(1 edit)

Maybe something in the future? Just the shoes

Yeah, see their feets would be sooo sweet, I would Buy It twise for it


Great art, gameplay can be a bit annoying at first but can get better, though getting and fighting Mel is pretty annoying. All I would say it really needs is some female voice acting/moaning in the scenes.


Great game! It's pretty challenging, but once you get the hang of it then it will become easier in time!

Will this be sold on dlsite?

yes, in a few days.

Is it going to come outfor android

no sorry.


no sorry.


Game was quite fun, the Holy girl was a bit frustrating but not that hard. The boss battle was very fun as well. Once you figure out the strategies for the battles everything becomes pretty easy. Overall, great game.


Cada enenemigo es impresionante no paso de la primera haaha 


Usa la tercera unidad para capturar. Teclas numéricas 1, 2, 3 para cambiar unidades.



Juicy pixels and fun gameplay. I really enjoyed it!


The pixel art is great and the gameplay is actually kinda fun


love trolling them with thousands of units, i somehow find humor in that


first fight was hard , it took me 60 tries to beat Azure

how much content is actually implemented as of this time.


5 + 1 scenes

Is there a reason to getting the stars

First 5 stars unlocks secret boss. 6th star is just bragging rights.


Locks good, any chance of an android version

no sorry



I just finished the game and it was a very fun experience, love how each level has its own strategy. I managed to get the sixth gold star as well after quite a bit of time. It was a very enjoyable game. Looking forward to your future works!


A very good game. My only complaint for the entire game is how unbalanced the priest level is, it was sooooo much harder than the boss at the end. All in all still great though, hope to see more lol.

(1 edit)



Is this supposed to be possible?

yes, you just need to find the strategy. Someone already posted a walkthrough below in the comments.

I'm talking about the 4 million EXP

yes you can rack up as high as you want.


Finished the whole thing. Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

Each level is unique but sticks with the core game play. The pixel art is so incredibly good... Honestly for 4 dollars I can recommend it. I wish it was longer but I'm gonna look forward to other stuff the dev puts out. Also you didn't see all the content if you didn't get all the stars.


damn. goblin is such a turn off 


Only one of the 4 (5) animations is goblin. All the others are different creatures


Great game but with the price I'd hope for a bit more content. Regardless, highly recommend. Just a bit pricey for the available content so far.


On just about every level I´d like to praise this game- just wow. Where do I start. Each level requires a unique approach that plays so innovatively with the already pretty interesting core mechanics. 

There could do with a little bit better explanation about how each level fundamentally differs from each other, but once that hump has been gotten over it feels like you get to really dissect and optimize with the ability to see just how much more progress you're making hitting at about the 10th try in each level, and only increasing from there. I started to get a feel for when I was strong enough to know that *next* time I'm winning for sure, and it was very exciting.

As for the NSFW animations? Pixel art does something for me, and each and every one of these ones is animated so smoothly, with lots of emotion put onto the character's faces. It makes for a fantastic payoff to the already extremely satisfying gameplay loop. The balance updates were perfect, just bringing down that tries number enough so it doesn't feel quite as daunting to start a whole new level.

I enjoyed Sorceress End (author's previous game), and it feels like they took everything I did enjoy about it and polished and refined it into an even more stylish and intriguing game. This game absolutely deserves its pricetag!

Okay that should be the end of my gushing. Hope everyone who reads this has a good day!! <3


I love the art style, the animations and the concept. But when it came to the demon lord, i had no need for the minotaurs with shields as they were essential not needed.

And when i managed to get all heroines and the demon lord captured under the limit, there was no special reward for it. Is there something planned to come or is nothing the reward?

The first 5 gold star unlocks the secret, the last gold star is just bragging rights.

GREAT ANIMATION!! Wish there were some facials in some of the scenes. seems like they were gonna happen but didnt.


Appreciate it! <3

HELO, Can I ask what engine did you use to make te game?

Game maker, very beginner friendly.


Beat it in an hour. All in all, pretty fun.

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I think its really annoying there is no debuff when they are at 1 hp like there is no difference between 100% and 1%

They attack and move at a much slower rate.

Is there an Android port for this?

There wont be, sorry.

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