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hey, i came before because on my first computer the flag dont appear anymore but it seems the bug happened again in my second computer, do u have any idea what might cause the bug ?

I am not sure. I haven't really heard of this bug before. Of you do not have a save file at all. Could you try turning off any anti-virus software programs. 

nah, i deactivated AV but didnt change anithing, do u want me to send you a screenshot of what the game look like ?

sure, Could you dm me on discord

This game is great


BadColor, 1 name and 1  Guarantee.

This Artist is amazing and seriously deserve the Support

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soo hard heroine conquest


If you add an Android version please ping me so i can get it ;)


I just buy it and i did not saw that there's not android port lmao i screw it


Bro, can you share the game? I know it's selfish to ask you to share it since it was your money. I would like to have it since the demo doesn't have much to say.

how can i share the game with you? 


por correo


You can write to me here at my email


Please xp


i did it!!


What stage is this?

After you finished first 5 stages within the tries limit, you can enter the final stage 'Demon Lord Mel'.


Android version???

(1 edit) (+4)

i waiting for android.


This is actually a great little strategy game and one of the best adult games I've played.

I liked the variety of unit mechanics and different tactics needed for each boss. The extra boss was a fun surprise and her scene was my favourite!

It'd be a REALLY nice addition to be able to fight each boss again for an extra scene with more units joining in, even if the fights were the same.


Do you have any comment regarding Unity's recent decision to betray all Unity developers? To the point that Unity HQ received death threats?

There's programs that aid developers to switch from Unity to Godot.


check the development log - it was made in January, before the Unity decision.


tera for other platforms?


Do you get anything for getting the star on the 6th boss?

Bruv you get 50 tries. You should have to restart completely if you CAN'T get the star


Hot game! When is the next one coming? 


i NEED you to make a full screen mode, PLEASE!!! i have accidentally clicked off the tab more times than i want to admit. everything else is so much fun, but every time i click away, i lose interest in playing...


alt + enter for full screen.


For some reason when I load up the game I don't see that first flag on the island, and instead just get a blank space with nothing to click on but tutorial and settings...?


Not sure what causes this. can you pm me on discord.


actually a really amazing strategy game. super glad i went for it

Deleted post

For the full game or the demo?

full game doesnt work for me it keeps saying failed to downloaa

can you pm me on discord?


I hope you make more games in this art style man good job on the whole game.




yo bro
why you care so much about the pregnancy system ? is it really important to you ?


my fetish


bit of a dumb question, fetishes are 50% of the horny, which is what most of nsfw games target lol

Wasn't going to buy it. I'm now 100% buying it for pregnancy alone


Good game, i missed playing this kind of old graphic visual games, reminds me of my childhood. Also i recommend on adding some voice acting like the moaning part for the girl. Also the way for upgrading stats/troops and spawning the monster are really torturing my finger so i hope that you can consider to change that thing in the future updates. Also idk if its just me but im really interested with azure's raped position so im hoping that the other girls can experience the same position too like her. I would like to see this game would grew into a very great masterpiece in the future. Good work and good luck dev.


Heyo! Beat the game and it was pretty good! Only thing I would ask for is more positions and more challenges, though that might be more sequel-material of one ever gets made.


I've loved both of your games so far. Are you working on a third?

Deleted 344 days ago
(1 edit) (+2)

You have to use some strategy. There are some tutorial videos on YouTube (no h-scene obviously) that show what to prioritize upgrading at different times. Some advice I can give is that at lower health values, the enemy will receive a debuff in movement and attack speed, so unit health isn't everything. You also get more points for getting more hits on them each attempt.

Also, I recommend resetting progress on an enemy if you go over the number of attempts shown at the start of each one, as you need to get all stars to unlock the bonus stage.

Deleted 344 days ago

quick question, how do you find said tutorial videos? because there's a game with the same name that no matter how hard i try i cannot find a tutorial for this game.


They did a full playthrough over the course of a few vids. basically just check out the strategy they use for each opponent.
(1 edit) (+2)

Very good game, you can see the love put into it


I just bought it but it won't let me download it???

what does it show when you try to download it?


It's now working. Weird. Never mind, thanks for replying!


dude. this game is going to kill my mouse left click button. please for the love of god let us hold the button down to continue spawning units instead of rabid clicking like a crack addict. i dont want to have to buy a new mouse everytime i play this game!

While I did not try the game, I feel you. Same problem with my mice. Always the button failing, even replaced it sometimes. They put the 1 cent cheaper switch in it, that is rated for less clicks.

I found two solutions to this.

First is the keyboard mouse in windows. If activated, you can push num pad 5 for mouseclick

Second is software to switch buttons any way you like. I use autohotkey, and that could even do a hold down a key to send left clicks while held down. very handy for games that do not allow reconfiguring keys as well. 

kool ty for the tips i may just do that. sadly keyboard i have has no num pad.

If you use software, beware. Some might be detected as cheating software by some games. Though key remapping is  usually not a problem, it is the same you can do with software shipped with your mouse or keyboard. If you have 5 mouse buttons, there is a need to make them usefull ;-)

A simple autofire would be this in ahk. ("Click" sends a left click). But you would lose the ability to do drag and drop and would accidentally do  double clicks, if you put in on the left button itself. Better use an unused Mousebutton or a an unused key (just replace both "LButton" with  "f" or "Space" or whatever). The winactive  makes that one only work if the active window  starts with the name Heroine (side effects include, that if the website you are browse starts the same, the remapping will occur there too)

#IfWinActive, Heroine
    While GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
        Sleep 200

Would you consider doing other positions or getting the heroines pregnant as a DLC? I love your work so much keep it up!

Deleted 1 year ago

How does the breeding system work?

hello i just bought the game an it doesnt want to run

It only runs on windows. can you pm me on discord.

it works now had to restart my pc thank you tho <3

Would an android version be possible?

probably not sorry


shit game kys now nigga

(1 edit) (-3)

Technically its a good game, i guess your taste on entertainment were that bad and you started to look down on it with just a simple sentence and without a proper explanation.


I just played the demo and I have a few questions. How many "levels" does this game have? Is it only one per heroine? (It looks like there are only five heroines). Are the viewpoints always orthanographic in the sex scenes like in the demo? I'd prefer 3/4 view so I can see more of the action. What kind of game mechanics are introduced in the full version that don't appear in the demo?

(2 edits) (+4)

When are you came out with the next game? I need More of this kind of art.

Excelent title btw.


Love this game! Seems like people were having trouble with the priestess which I thought was the easiest one :P Got it in 9 tries >:3



It's the only one I thought was "slow and methodical". The idea here is that she runs away from the closest goo, and also the most recently spawned goo. I refer to the types as "chaser goo" and "blob goo". She fears chaser goos more than blob goos.

You want to place 1 blob goo directly in a corner when she's slightly closer to it but still a tiny area to spawn a goo. Then IMMEDIATELY spawn 1 chaser goo on the opposite side of her in order to chase her into it. Set a chaser goo down right before your current chaser goo is about to die, try to get the timing down right so there's always only 1 chaser goo chasing her. When all your goos despawn, she will move towards the center again, and you repeat as soon as there's room to spawn another blob in the corner she just came from. Generally speaking, that's the whole strategy. The first 1-2 tries you won't do any damage as your goos won't live long enough. Don't worry about the fast HP regen that she has, that will eventually get outpaced by the high damage and heal debuff of your blobs.

Remember you get XP per damage tick so the idea for the first 5-7 tries is to just ensure you get to a point where you can actually get her to step on the blob and tick for damage. First you want to increase the life span of your blob goos so they live long enough to get stepped on. Then just focus on getting huge damage, and life span of your chasers so that you only have to set 2 chasers per blob. From there it's just farming up. Since blobs do so much damage you will get a lot of XP if you do it this way, just make sure not to waste monster spawns.

Don't bother with upgrading the chaser goo movespeed or the blob goo speed debuff. Unless you really have nothing else to spend for.


Thx king/queen, really helped, got the star and saw the final boss lol


fun and easy little game. pixel art was top notch.


Just finished the game, is there a secret like in dark red adventure

getting all 5 stars unlocks the 6th boss.


Is there a patreon and subscribe star i can go to? Or atleast a twitter and pixiv?

Love your art.


sorry i don't. and thank you!


fun and simple, requires a few tries to understand what any of your troops do tho.

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